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Sounds From The Film

The music at the beginning of the movie
beginningmusic.wav | 48 seconds | 1,45 MB

"...We have to be there in 2 minutes,..."
2minutes.wav | 12 seconds | 270 k

"...He's dead...What do you mean he's dead?..."
heisdead.wav | 56 seconds | 1.18 MB

"...Sir Ector,remove your helmet...My lord,i'm affraid..."
removehelmet.wav | 36 seconds | 776 k

"...We can do this,we can be champions,give me your coins..."
wecandothis.wav | 52 seconds | 1.09 MB

"The tournament of Rouen is in a month from now..."
in1month.wav | 35 seconds | 760 K

"You can't even joust...I won't spend the rest of my life as nothing..."
lifeasnothing.wav | 52 seconds | 1.11MB

"If you can take your coins,go to England,But if you can't,you come with me..."
ifyoucantake.wav | 48 seconds | 1.01MB

(William Sings) "Walking out from Cheapside,my fortune for to seek..."
williamsings.wav | 47 seconds | 1MB

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